For Consignors

Consignments are made by invitation only. This process must begin with a conversation with Ethan Bentz. Please do not submit Consignor Form and payment without first confirming your consignment with Ethan.

Consignor Form

Download and send with payment to Debbie Millsaps at 8770 Purple Sage Road, Middleton, ID 83644 no later than April 1, the earlier the better!


NEW THIS YEAR: As we continue to provide an honest, versatile, product to our buyers, we will be asking our Consignors to provide 1 more item with your Health/Coggins reports.  We would like to ask for you to provide x rays of your horse's legs from the knee down.  These x rays can be added to the dropbox when you upload your sale photos and videos.  We will provide this information to our prospective buyers on our website with the other information on your horse.  Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this new requirement.

Upload Your Content Here

To maintain the highest quality - especially of your video - please upload your photo(s) and videos through this link. You can also email photos to Debbie at Videos can NOT be emailed due to the reduction of quality and they will not be accepted on your private YouTube channel. Please contact Debbie with any questions, we want to ensure we get the highest quality material to promote your horse! See more about the requirements below.

Photo and Video Guide



  • Sale Photo by March 20, unsaddled and haltered

  • Sale Video, no deadline but the earlier the better = more views

Optional, but recommended:

  • Additional photos for us to share on RHS social media channels and on your horse’s page on the website. These are extremely helpful in promoting your horse on social media. Photos that show your horse in action, i.e. branding, working cattle, etc. Must be authentically “ranchy” and high quality.

See examples below for more information on the above requirements/recommendations. Upload link found above.

If you have any questions, please direct them to Erika at or 541-709-1560


Video Guidelines

Showcase your horse’s abilities with a quality video. A well-done video is really powerful and important as we are encouraging all interested buyers to watch the videos.

Video Requirements

  • No longer than 7 minutes (average watch time is 3 minutes so its a benefit to you to make it concise)

  • Must contain portion where you speak about the horse - use this as your “manual”, promo, and/or disclaimer section. Great place to really explain the strengths, weakness and quirks your horse may have.

  • Must show branding or roping scene

  • Western Attire

Not Allowed

  • Music in the background

  • Rough handling of livestock

  • Low Quality video (i.e. too blurry)

  • Title text

Recommended video structure: ~1 minute showing the horse while speaking about him. Then move to 2-3 minutes of branding footage. Finish with 2-3 minutes of additional showing (i.e. bridling, loping circles, obstacles, stopping, etc.)

Important note - what you say in the video is seen as your “disclaimer”, please use this as a place to be honest about any holes in the horse. And if you show kids on the horse then you are representing the horses as a kids horse and will be expected to guarantee it as such - we don’t recommend this unless its truly a bomb-proof kids horse or you have an older kid (12+) riding him and explain it.

Upload video below (can not email due to quality issues)


Video Example // Average view time is ~3 minutes, try to keep it concise. This is the best opportunity to explain the horses strengths and weaknesses so buyers have an accurate view of the horse.

Sale Photo Example // Please give us enough room around the horse (i.e. sky, foreground/background) so we can crop to equal sizes for the catalog. Please select a natural, neutral background. See Photo Guide above.

Social Media Photo Examples // Show the horse in action, please keep it “ranchy” and authentic (no ballcaps, sweatshirts, etc) These will also be posted to the website on your horses’s profile.