Spur Brand Horses

Our breeding program has been heavily influenced by foundation ranch horse bloodlines. We are proud to offer a clean-minded, strong, athletic horse that can be successful on the ranch as well in the arena. These horses have consistently exhibited excellent trainability, a drive to work with a competitive edge, correct confirmation, and long-lasting longevity.

5-10 of these horses are offered for sale exclusively at the Ranchers Horse Sale each year.

Our Program Philosophy


We run our broodmare herd on the high desert, foaling and surviving on their own and raising tough, agile colts. The colts go on through the program and are used for years of ranch work spending long days on the desert moving and working cows. The young colts are exposed to a variety of circumstances until they become well-seasoned bridle horses.


Reference Sires

Our breeding program is strongly influenced by Colonel Freckles, Joe Hancock, King Fritz, Peppy San Badger, and Doc Bar.


Cutting Like My Dad

We purchased “Cuttin Like My Dad” from Wade Reaney in 2016. He has proven himself in the Northwest placing in many Stockhorse Reining competitions. Many of his colts are competing and doing very well. We are excited about the athleticism and style he brings to our program.

Monsoon Time

Monsoon is new to the Spur Brand Program as of 2022. Sired by Time For The Diamond with Lifetime Earnings of $150,080 and PG Special Edition with NCHA earnings of $110,332, Monsoon comes from a line of high performing horses. We are excited to see what his offspring can do, starting in 2023.

Pat Boonlight

We lost Pat Boonlight several years ago but he heavily influenced our program. We now have his daughters in the broodmare band who consistently throw athletic colts. These horses can be stingy on the ground but are pleasurable horses to ride on the ranch and in the arena.


We bought Four F One from the reputable horse program of the Haythorn Ranch in Ogalla, Nebraska. He throws consistent gentle ranch horses with a lot of color. He isn’t our flashiest stallion, but he is one of the most consistent and buyers continue to love his offspring. Several of his colts have been high-sellers in the sale.


Colonel passed away in 2014 but his legacy lives on as the majority of our broodmares have been sired from him, keeping a ready supply of clean-minded, great-looking horses. He was the foundation of the Spur Brand Program.